Israeli Chief Rabbi Pushes Kosher 'Pork'
Israeli Chief Rabbi Pushes Kosher 'Pork
JERUSALEM (AP) -- Israel's chief rabbi is bringing home the bacon.
Yona Metzger's office says it is primed to allow import of an organic
goose grown in Spain that tastes like pork. Metzger says three
non-Jewish chefs confirm its swinish flavor. Jewish dietary law
strictly forbids eating pork. Metzger's office says there is no Jewish
injunction against eating goose, no matter what it tastes like, as long
as it is slaughtered according to Jewish ritual.
Secular Israelis have long enjoyed pork at non-kosher restaurants.
"Kosher pork" would open new flavors to the observant.
Spokesman Avi Blumenthal said Metzger is eager to begin the importing as
soon as the geese reach slaughtering weight. He said the rabbi would
see that it passes "all the rabbinical kosher authorities to make sure
it gets to Israel."
By the way, I like the chief rabbi's surname... nomen est omen...