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Default Stuck Fermentation

"Robert Reilly" > wrote in message
> All, I have a State Lane Cabernet from Brehm that was 27 brix prior to
> fermentation. I had fermentation cranking for a week, the cap fell and
> i had 0 brix.

A red wine with that much alcohol should read minus 1.5 Brix or less when

I tested it with a vinometer and it is only regerstering
> 13%. Is this possible ? I thought it would be more like 14.5% ?

Vinometers are not accurate. I calculate about 14.8 percent alcohol.

> Could
> the fermentation be stcuk ?

Yes, it could be, but probably not.

What is the best way to test ? Clinitest ?

Clinitest is simple and cheap.
