Not a one trick pony
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I'm Back!!
external usenet poster
Posts: 52
Not a one trick pony
wrote in :
> I was looking for something to put my mashed potatoes in that would
> keep them warm for the Thanksgiving Day potluck. I didn't make enough
> to warrant using the crock pot so I decided to use the tagine.
> I put some water in the tagine and put it in the oven to heat it up;
> after the potatoes were ready I took the tagine from the oven, drained
> out the water, put the mashed potatoes in it and covered them with
> some parchment paper, put the lid back on and back into the oven.
> I turned the oven off and left them in there until it was time to go.
> It was a couple of hours before we ate and the potatoes were perfect
> and hot.
> Yippieee Skippieee.
> It made a very pretty serving dish too.
Improvise, adapt, overcome :-)
I have a tagine lid left, after the base was dropped :-(
But it makes a pretty good lid for a couple of my frypans, so it might just
have a bit of a longer life rather than joining the base in the bin. Won't
buy another one just yet. We are starting to 'cull' all our stuff in
preparation for moving :-)
Peter Lucas
(currently Brisbane)
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