Storing spices
"Kent" <> wrote
> "Zz Yzx" > wrote > Sorry if this has been covered.
>> I'm amazed how cheap spices are from online sources (e.g. Penzey's,
>> Spice Barn, many others) compared to local grocery stores (Safeway
>> here rin 95620 charges $6.99 for ONE Oz of sesame seeds).
>> The question I have is: "What's the best way to store bulk
>> spices/herbs/seeds/&tc."?
>> I'm looking for a specific brand of plastic, glass, whatever storage
>> containers that will keep the pantry moths out (fer chrissakes they
>> invaded and destroyed my "super-hot" cayenne pepper flakes).
>> All responses appreciates,
>> -Zz
> I freeze spices in a ziplock bag. I have a batch of provencial herbs I
> bought in Paris a number of years ago, and they still add "prov. herb" to
> a
> dish just fine.
> If you're in a metropolitan area that has an Indian market, search that
> out
> for bulk spices. Bulk spices are 10% of the cost of the comparable Safeway
> product, and they're usually much better.
> Kent
Meanwhile, let's do something about the pantry moths. When you bring home
something likely to have critters in it such as flour or cornmeal, store it
in the freezer for a few days. I don't know necessarily that the freezing
kills the moths; maybe it just inhibits their reproduction. And a silly
trick - I spread still wrapped sticks of Wrigley's Doublemint gum on the
shelves of our pantry. Moths hate it as much as your 3rd grade teacher did.
No joke. Polly