Storing spices
On Nov 25, 7:50*pm, "Polly Esther" > wrote:
> "Kent" <> wrote
> > "Zz Yzx" > wrote > Sorry if this has been covered.
> >> I'm amazed how cheap spices are from online sources (e.g. Penzey's,
> >> Spice Barn, many others) compared to local grocery stores (Safeway
> >> here rin 95620 charges $6.99 for ONE Oz of sesame seeds).
> >> The question I have is: *"What's the best way to store bulk
> >> spices/herbs/seeds/&tc."?
> >> I'm looking for a specific brand of plastic, glass, whatever storage
> >> containers that will keep the pantry moths out (fer chrissakes they
> >> invaded and destroyed my "super-hot" cayenne pepper flakes).
> >> All responses appreciates,
> >> -Zz
> > I freeze spices in a ziplock bag. I have a batch of provencial herbs I
> > bought in Paris a number of years ago, and they still add "prov. herb" to
> > a
> > dish just fine.
> > If you're in a metropolitan area that has an Indian market, search that
> > out
> > for bulk spices. Bulk spices are 10% of the cost of the comparable Safeway
> > product, and they're usually much better.
> > Kent
> Meanwhile, let's do something about the pantry moths. *When you bring home
> something likely to have critters in it such as flour or cornmeal, store it
> in the freezer for a few days. *I don't know necessarily that the freezing
> kills the moths; maybe it just inhibits their reproduction. *And a silly
> trick - I spread still wrapped sticks of Wrigley's Doublemint gum on the
> shelves of our pantry. *Moths hate it as much as your 3rd grade teacher did.
> No joke. *Polly
I heard that gum trick about Juicy Fruit, too.