Storing spices
On 28/11/2011 5:36 PM, Kalmia wrote:
> I buy the smallest amount sold, keep in a drawer and keep the lids on
> tight.
I get mine in the bulk bins. They are a heck of a lot cheaper that way
than buying them packaged. To give you an idea how much cheaper,....
rather than buy a jar of tarragon for $3 <?> , I got enough to more
than fill my old jar. The cashier tried several times to get a weight,
but there wasn't enough to register on her scale, so no charge. I
didn't want to pay $3.99 for a jar of ground ginger. I got more than
enough to fill my old jar..... 23 cents. I am not worried about them
going stale. At those prices I can throw them out about and buy more