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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 14,609
Default Sh%t on a Shingle

"Andy" > wrote in message ...
> "Cheri" > wrote:
>> "Andy" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "Cheri" > wrote:
>>>> "Andy" > wrote in message
>>>> ...
>>>>> (aka SD) wrote:
>>>>>> What is this some kind of fancy Air Force SOS?
>>>>>> Why can't some basic foods just be left as they are and not
>>>>>> screwed with.
>>>>> Only except fresh cracked black peppered to death!
>>>>> Go Saints!
>>>>> Andy
>>>> Yes, go Saints! I also agree, nothing but browned hamburger and
>>>> onion mixed into a nice cream gravy...with lots of pepper.
>>> Cheri,
>>> I always stopped down the hill at my best friends house on the way to
>>> school and per chance have SOS for breakfast that my Mom never
>>> cooked.
>>> Best,
>>> Andy

>> Sounds like my friends mom who always made black eyed peas and coarse
>> white cornbread when I was a kid. I went there a lot to feast on it.
>> It was a long time ago, but it still stands out in my mind as
>> something really wonderful.

> Cheri,
> Fond memories are the best!!!
> Best,
> Andy

They are, and isn't it funny that a person can never quite make that stuff
taste as good as it did then no matter what you do to it?
