Thread: Flax
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Randy[_11_] Randy[_11_] is offline
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Default Flax

On Nov 29, 8:48*pm, (z z) wrote:
> If you are a low carber you have experimented with flax. I consider flax
> to be a body's vacuum cleaner. With flax in your diet you won't be
> needing cholesterol lowering medications, and its fiber action is quite
> powerful as well.
> There is golden flax seed, and dark brown flax seed. I do prefer the
> golden.
> I don't buy the seeds and I don't buy the oil-I buy ground up flax seeds
> aka flaxseed meal aka flaxmeal. It used to only be found at health food
> stores, but it has gone mainstream and is available in most grocery
> stores now. Advice says to store it in the refrigerator.
> I experimented quite heavily with baked goods-altering recipes to
> substitute flaxmeal for flour. I never had a satisfying result-it is
> very difficult to use because of its absorbtion properties. I wanted
> something good, but usually ended up with "healthy" muffins.
> I have worked out my methods. First is simply adding a tbsp to your
> morning oatmeal-unnoticeable stirred in. Another is keeping flaxmeal in
> a shaker and shaking it onto your jelly or peanut butter toast. It
> becomes untasteable when adding it to spaghetti or pizza sauce.
> Medical advice says don't give it to children. Because it has so much
> fiber it actually counts out as zero net carbs (grams carbs minus grams
> fiber equals net carbs.)
> During my first 2 mos of dabbling with low carb, I cut triglycerides in
> half.

LOVE flaxseed, I never understand why people try so hard to disguise
it in order to get it into their diets. About 5 years ago my husband
and I needed to lose weight and he had terrible problems with
inflammation in his lower intestine. We started eating 4 - 5
Tablespoons of ground flaxseed every morning stirred into nonfat milk.
It's basically a cereal so we eat/drink it most every morning. It
actually tastes fantastic, especially if you add a teaspoon of maple
syrup. Along with some other measures we took to clean up our diets,
flaxseed helped us lose about 140 lbs between us. His tummy troubles?
Gone. Plus, like you said, it's great for cholesterol. My husband's
overall cholesterol count went from 230 to 149. Flax isn't the only
factor in that improvement, but it's an important one. Go flax.