Newbie Stuck Fermentation
On Sat, 28 Feb 2004 17:48:28 -0500, "J F" >
>Hi there,
>I'm attempting to make my first batch of wine, and I think that I may have a
>problem. I'm making a Shiraz, and the wine was kept in the basement where I
>think that it may have been too cold. The wine has been in the primary
>fermentor for 5 days and the temperature was around 65, or possibly even a
>little lower. I remeasured the SG of the wine and it seems very close to
>what it was when I started (started at 1.072 and now around 1.064). But the
>wine looks like it's bubbling, similar to a carbonated cola. How much of a
>change should I see in the SG before I transfer to the carboy? From most
>things I've read it seems that the wine should be kept between 70-75, so
>would the colder temperature have stopped the fermentation or is that
>bubbling that it's doing now correct? I've now moved my wine to warmer
>location and am wondering if I should add more yeast, or just let it be?
Hi Jason. I just started making wine last fall and have completed 4
kits, so I am no expert. A temperature of 65 seems a bit on the cold
side. The fact that the wine is fizzing indicates that fermentation is
still happening, albeit slowly. Moving the primary to a warmer
location should get things going, as I have been doing just fine in my
70 degree kitchen. I wouldn't add any more yeast yet, but I'll defer
to the experts if they think differently.