In article >,
Zz Yzx > wrote:
> Sorry if this has been covered.
> I'm amazed how cheap spices are from online sources (e.g. Penzey's,
> Spice Barn, many others) compared to local grocery stores (Safeway
> here rin 95620 charges $6.99 for ONE Oz of sesame seeds).
> The question I have is: "What's the best way to store bulk
> spices/herbs/seeds/&tc."?
> I'm looking for a specific brand of plastic, glass, whatever storage
> containers that will keep the pantry moths out (fer chrissakes they
> invaded and destroyed my "super-hot" cayenne pepper flakes).
> All responses appreciates,
Some things aren't attractive to bugs. Some things repel bugs. Other
things don't. Only certain animals have taste receptors for the stuff
that makes peppers hot. It appears that insects and birds don't. They
don't think those peppers are hot.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA