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Storrmmee Storrmmee is offline
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Default OT - For the Cat Experts

saying that any animal should have xxx diet is just the height of stupidity,
like people each animal regardless of species is an individual and needs
diet accordingly,... and as to always feeding canned, only if you have stock
in the company you are feeding so you can make enough money to adress the
health issues that will cause, Lee
"John Kuthe" > wrote in message
On Dec 1, 8:08 am, Bryan > wrote:
> There's no good reason to ever feed it kibble, unless it's that you
> can't afford
> canned food. Cat's really aren't suited to live on high gluten corn
> meal or other starchy
> stuff:
> --Bryan

Kitty subsists entirely on Purina Cat Chow, and is happy and healthy.
And it stinks like fish, so I'm quite sure it's chock full of animal
proteins. Feeding a cat anything fancier is just catering to your ego.
Purina has done lot of research on animal feeds and that's why there's
a "Purina X Chow" for so many different animals! Each food is tailored
to the nutritional needs of that particular animal.

Maybe you need some Purina Human Ego Chow, Bryan! ;-)

John Kuthe...