OT - For the Cat Experts
On Dec 1, 2:46*am, Andy > wrote:
> Once I had a huge humpbacked whale surface off a beach in Maui, HI.
> Without another human in sight, it gently surfaced about 100 ft off shore
> to have a look at me.
> I wanted to swim out and ride it.
> A kewl experience I'll never forget!!!
> Andy
Andy, I had a whale experience once while on a boat near Monterrey.
Every one else was down under partying away, it was raining. I wanted
to see whales. Went out and stood looking. A huge ( aren't they
all?" ) humpback began swimming deliberately toward me, I just stood
and watched, it stopped when close, raised up and Looked me in the
eye! What an amazing experience!