On Dec 1, 4:34*pm, John Kuthe > wrote:
> On Dec 1, 4:14*pm, Bryan > wrote:
> > On Dec 1, 3:51*pm, John Kuthe > wrote:
> ...
> > > Carbs are evil! ;-)
> > > OK Bryan! We get it.
> > They are bad for cats. *They are fine for humans, or would be if we
> > didn't have 365 days a year of feast and zero of famine, which is not
> > natural. *People are meant to gain body fat in months of plenty, then
> > lose body fat during the times of year that food, especially carbs,
> > are scarce.
> People are meant to? Implying a designing being much like us who had
> intent for people? ;-)
Sub "evolved to" for meant to.
> People are omnivores. Scavengers when necessary.
> > Do you deny that cats are carnivores, not omnivores?http://cats.about.com/od/catfoodfaqs...carnivores.htm
> > Cats are no more suited to eat corn than guinea pigs are to eat meat.
> Not at all. I live with a cat, and she has no interest in eating
> anything but meat and fat. And she loves her Purina Cat Chow.
Which is mostly corn/wheat/soy.
> John Kuthe...