Sounds like custard

I didn't realise you cooked eggnog. I thought it
was a warmed up version of egg flip (raw eggs beaten in milk with a bit
of vanilla and sugar to taste).
"KROM" > wrote in message
> I have been toying with the idea of making my own eggnog this year for
> Christmas eve and day so the calories wont matter but I still don’t
> want it to spike my bg.
> I found a recipe that sounded good that was pretty the top
> of my head it was a cup of milk and half a cup cream and 6 egg yolks
> and a cup sugar of which I would sub and spices like cloves and
> cinnamon and nutmeg at end
> you cook it all in two steps of which I cant remember but its cooked
> the cooled and drank like the next day.
> anyone attempt to make this with a sugar sub and any thoughts on which
> would be good..would a cooling one like erythritol matter in a cold
> drink?