why is whole grain non-standard?
Sqwertz > wrote:
> On Mon, 28 Nov 2011 10:41:57 -0800 (PST), RichD wrote:
>> Whole grain bread is more nutritious, right? With
>> the husk and seeds and whatnot. So why is that
>> stuff removed in the manufacture of most bread?
>> I don't get it. They add extra processing steps,
>> discard valuable ingredients, and deliver an
>> inferior product?
>> Can anybody here explain this?
> Because 100% whole grain bread (and even some of that is not 100%
> whole grain bread) tastes like crap. People tend not to buy stuff
> that tastes like crap (unless your name is Jerry Sauk).
> Senseless crossposting removed.
> -sw
It's also too heavy and thick.
Every health book I ever read says stay away from white bleached flour.