PING Squertz! A question
On Dec 6, 3:46*pm, dsi1 > wrote:
> P.S., Using a cell phone doesn't make you smart or dumb - don't feel so
> smug about it.
You got the wrong impression. Maybe I subconsciously planned to
give you that impression, I don't know - but I am not anti-cellphone
or anti computer or anti any of the new things that come along and
have come along since time began. I am only saying that most people
wind up being enslaved by their new toys. Upgrades are constantly
required. New purchases. I can't tell you the number of time I've
heard people say they were lost without their computer or their
cellphone. Of course they'd get used to living without it in time, I
know that. And I'm not saying that people who rely on technology are
automatically dumber, only it doesn't automatically make them smarter
either. But they think it does. As far as I'm concerned, for most
people the internet is merely an electronic version of the newspaper
want ads. Those who would have succeeded or failed using those older
means will probably do the same today. I own a few toys and would be
a complete hypocrite to put them down. I am not putting them or any
new convenience down - only saying that in time - usually a not so
very long time either - it stops being a convenience and becomes a
necessity - and I for one despise necessity and will do whatever I can
to remain free from being trapped by it. Nothing smug about that.
Yeah, I can see it now - the electricity goes down and even cellphone
are affected at the source. That's when someone yells, "Anybody got a
pen and paper", and the pen & paper guy steps forward to save the
day. It doesn't have to be for or against with everything. I'm not
pro or con, just making comments. Sometimes I don't know when to
That's it,