PING Squertz! A question
On Wed, 07 Dec 2011 14:32:50 +1100, Krypsis >
> Even if the cell phone is the only place people store numbers, there is
> no reason why that critical data should not be backed up. My phone, a
> Nokia, comes with backup facility so I can keep a copy of everything on
> my computer. As well, I store all contact info on the sim card and not
> the phone.
I didn't know it was possible to do one or the other, my phone is an
LG. How do we figure out where the phone book data is stored and
switch if it's not on the SIM card?
> That way, if the phone dies, I just need to move the sim card
> to another phone of similar type. Learnt that lesson when I moved from a
> Philips phone to a Nokia - incompatible data formats...
Better yet, how do you back up the data to your computer (or even
better, a portable hard drive). I don't have the internet on my
> I NEVER place all my faith in "tiny electronic instruments" without one
> or more forms of data safeguard. Anyone who does not do this is foolish.
Some of us just have to have faith. I've found that rechargeable
batteries last around 4 years and won't keep a significant charge
around the time I need to renew; so I get a new phone and they switch
my address book from the old phone to the new one. I haven't had a
problem so far, but I like the idea of being able to back up the phone
book somewhere.
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