Making Port (again !)
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Making Port (again !)
(Mike R) wrote in message . com>...
> I am toying with the idea making some port but I have my usual points
> of
> confusion.
> 1. What type of reds make good ports? I was going to draw off a
> gallon of a new batch of Merlot. Does it make a difference?
> 2. The Portugese method seems to be to ferment for 3-4 days then hit
> it with 77 percent abv brandy. Other instructions say to use high
> alcohol tolerant yeast, and coax the sugar level up as well as the
> alcohol content. If the desired abv is ~20 percent, why can't one
> simply chaptalize a finished red (13 percent) up to the desired RS
> level and then hit it with some 190 proof grain alcohol to raise it to
> 20 percent abv? There must be something else going on in the wine that
> I am missing. What would be the effect if I do as described above?
> 3. Once done (sugar and additional alcohol), should oak be added for
> extended aging?
You can make port following any of the methods that you mention, but I
suggest starting with the highest brix grapes you can get your hands
on and then following the Portugese method. This way you are
minimizing sugar and alcohol additions and maximizing the use of the
natural sugars and flavors present in the grapes. There is a reason
(besides the varieties and the terrior) that the best ports in the
world come from this method.
As far as the Merlot ... I have port made from Merlot grapes that is
currently ageing for over a year, and some fermenting from this past
year's crop, and although its too early to tell yet how good these
wines will be, I have had tastings from mine and from the same grapes
made into port by a local commercial winemaker and they taste great
already imho.
For oaking, you need to decide which style of port you prefer. Do a
search to see the differences between tawny, vintage, late bottled
vintage, etc. and then try some to see which you prefer. They all have
different ageing and oaking requirements.
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