PING Squertz! A question
On Dec 7, 3:36*am, dsi1 > wrote:
> I saw a dock for an iPhone that allows people experience the thrill of
> using a landline. Now you can talk for hours while twirling a real
> curly cable in your fingers! I can imagine that they'll be selling
> cell phones that look and feel and work just like landlines. Rotary
> dial optional!
I thought of the idea way back when I first came in contact with
other people's cell phones. At home using the landline I am not
bothered by the curly cables, I just don't notice them, only the
comfort of the large phone and the way it's contoured to fit the
head. In that regard it is superior to the cellphone. It does not
surprise me that they already have a "dock" for an iphone that mimics
the old fashioned phone. But it can't just be any large phone. I
have a large phone on my answering machine and it's garbage. It
slides off my head. I don't use except for when I'm expecting a call
and I'm in the kitchen or bathroom. For the cellhpone to work within
a house-phone housing, it would have to be a princess phone or one
that is close to that design for comfort and ease. I'm not that much
of a dinosaur, they can keep the rotary dial, I like the buttons.
See, I'm not so old fashioned after all - I just know what good is -
and I'm telling you the home landline phone is superior to to any
cellphone for sound and comfort. Of course it lacks in other areas,
but again, why not have both if the cost is not too high. Thanks for
the update.