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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default PING Squertz! A question

On Dec 7, 11:32*am, Sqwertz > wrote:

> I used to support the cell phone computers for the major telephone
> carriers, high availability RISC machines (running NonStop-UX) that
> run the SS7 networks that route and switch calls between towers and I
> can guarantee you that cell phone calls get dropped all the time
> (often when switching towers). *Heck, I've probably disconnected over
> 5 million calls a year just myself :-)

> ObFood: And yes, I'm, also the guy that screws up your orders at Taco
> Bell, Papa John's, Pizza Hut, and KFC. (Using SCO Openserver this
> time). *At at least that's what some people would like you to believe.
> Me? *I blame the Lusers that work there.

I am no snob but I rarely eat at fast food joints. When I do I
never give the workers a hard time. I know first hand what shit-jobs
are. The most annoying thing about the dropped call (while I'm on my
landline talking to someone on a cellphone), is the way there is no
warning. It's silent. So you're talking and what you're saying may
not even be heard by the other person. Who knows, it might have been
one of the greatest things you've ever said, and now it's gone
forever. I am inbetween on most things like most intelligent people.
I think cellphones are annoying and far from perfect, yet I marvel
that they exist at all, and that a person can call from just about
anywhere at any time.