Ceramic Knives
"Mark Thorson" <> wrote > My mom gave me one for Christmas last year, and it
> was okay but I was thinking about dumping it because
> I prefer my regular kitchen knife. The ceramic one
> had a straight blade and I'm used to the curve of
> a conventional kitchen knife. The ceramic knife
> did seem to be plenty sharp.
> About a week ago I lost it. I think it fell in the
> trash. Because I was already thinking about throwing
> it away, it didn't seem to be a significant loss.
> But then there was a sale on pineapples at the nearby
> Asian food store. The first time in a year that I
> tried peeling a pineapple with a steel knife the
> difference was very noticable. Even freshly sharpened,
> the steel knife didn't do nearly as well going through
> pineapple skin. I had been using the spiral method
> of removing the eyes with the ceramic knife, but that
> was just too difficult with the steel knife.
> So I bought a new ceramic knife. This one does have
> a curved blade. On my first pineapple with this knife,
> I could tell it was even sharper than the old one.
> I've only had it a little while, but it already seems
> to be a great knife. It's made in China, and it's
> called THE CERABLADE, or at least that's what's printed
> on the blade. I bought it at the Asian food store for
> $21. They had two smaller sizes that were cheaper,
> but I thought I should get what I wanted rather than
> save a couple bucks and live in misery for the rest
> of my life. There wasn't any sale or discount, so
> I imagine that price can be beaten on the net.
> I do take care not to drop it or use it on any hard
> surface. The edge only sees fruit and a wooden cutting
> board. Only cut myself once so far. On the first day
> I had it, it was sitting edge-up in my dish rack when
> I accidently dropped a pistachio in the vicinity. When
> I reached down to hunt for it, my arm lightly brushed
> against it and got cut. I barely felt it, but it sure
> bled for a while. I'm a little more careful now.
Waaaah! Never, Ever put down anything sharp 'edge up'. Even our salad
forks are placed tines down in the dishwasher. I can't imagine what sort of
live critters Oneida was expecting us to toss in our salads when they
designed Act I. Those forks are killer sharp and will do a world of hurt.
Here on the bayou, 911 is too far away to be much help. Even if we lived
beside the hospital, the visit would be painful and expensive. Mark, does
your Mom know you're not careful enough? I'm telling. Polly