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Krypsis Krypsis is offline
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Default PING Squertz! A question

On 10/12/2011 10:04 PM, Tommy Joe wrote:
> On Dec 10, 5:19 am, > wrote:
>> Grubby little man.
>> ps In future please post all your non cooking related subjects in the
>> appropriate place.
>> This group is for us 'foodies'......................... OK.

> Maybe none of my business, but I really don't see why anyone in
> any newsgroup as active as this one would complain about a few people
> discussing something off topic as long as it's confined to a single
> thread. I just don't understand it. I can readily understand a
> regular of any newsgroup getting ****ed at people who invade every
> thread as if they're doing it on purpose to disrupt things. I don't
> see that as the case here. And as for food, let's not forget that any
> topic existing on earth is related to food in some way as we ourselves
> are food for bacteria and even larger creatures on occasion,
> especially after we're dead.
> Eat or be eaten,
> TJ

You'll have to ignore larbgai. He's one of the trolls that infested
various newsgroups, including soc.culture.thai, end result being that
those newsgroups are totally non-functional now. He must be getting
bored since he's killed off those groups and has gravitated here. He
only once posted something on-topic to SCT and that was related to
bargirls which I suspect is his only area of expertise related to
Thailand. He certainly isn't a foodie and he won't post much on-topic or
relevant here. Best you do as I do and filter him. Rest assured he won't
be adding anything of value to this group.

