PING Squertz! A question
Tommy Joe wrote:
> Everything changes, ultimately for the good. That is my belief.
Cellphones teach us that in the first few decades some changes are for
the worse. It will change eventually. Once coverage is so close to
everywhere companies start to put up towers in the more densely
populated parts of Antarctica the expansion of the technology will be
complete. Then competition will switch to call quality.
Already lots of customers switch because of poor call quality.
Companies advertize number of bars in the vein hope that users will
think that more bars means better quality calls. maybe for some users
it's even true. I do think that spontaneous hang ups are less common
where there are more bars.
> But I agree with you and want to add something I think is equally
> funny. I know a guy in town who told me last week that he met a young
> guy in his late teens or early 20s who did not know how to read a
> clock. He was so used to everything being digital that he didn't know
> where the 9 or 6 went on a regular round clock. I found it hard to
> believe, but if you think about it it's not so hard to believe,
> because at one time, before the round clock took over, we had the sun
> dial. How many people today can read one of those? Not me. So
> everything changes and always has. But that was a real tickler when
> my buddy told me that one, and he wasn't making it up.
Chuckle. I have no problem using a sundial. It comes from being an
astronomy buff so I know it's not a universal skill. Heck, for decades
I could tell the day of the month by looking at the moon or the planets
that happened to be visible in the sky.
And yet I'm ADHD enough that I have a very different time sense than the
focus deficit majority. I keep a weekly organizer in my pocket to know
if I have events for the day. I don't keep a monthly organizer because
days of the month are beyond my kenn for uses other than pointing an
amateur telescope. Something most of the population finds simple and
obvious that I find difficult, burdensome and mysterious.