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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default PING Squertz! A question

On Dec 10, 6:48 am, Krypsis > wrote:

> You'll have to ignore larbgai. He's one of the trolls that infested
> various newsgroups, including soc.culture.thai, end result being that
> those newsgroups are totally non-functional now. He must be getting
> bored since he's killed off those groups and has gravitated here. He
> only once posted something on-topic to SCT and that was related to
> bargirls which I suspect is his only area of expertise related to
> Thailand. He certainly isn't a foodie and he won't post much on-topic or
> relevant here. Best you do as I do and filter him. Rest assured he won't
> be adding anything of value to this group.

I used to go to a place called The biggest
complainers using the group were the professional and aspiring comics
who thought anybody who came along after they did was a troll. There
were some legit trolls in there, guys looking to bog things up, create
turmoil, etc. But the original comics who founded and first used the
site became so paranoid of anyone new that they put anyone new in the
troll bucket, unless that new person was a troll who took their

The group broke into camps and eventually the "real" comics
formed their own moderated group with the same name. I could go there
but could not post. I did not care. I just went there a few times to
see how they were doing. In the beginning all they did was talk about
how refreshing it was to be rid of the trolls. Of course they allowed
a few trolls (non-comic groupie types - ie asskissers), into the
moderated group. They sounded really happy and content with their new
place. But within a matter of a few months it died. The original
group still exists but is a graveyard.

My point is that to some extent some off-topic types who don't
fit the presumed label are needed to keep a group afloat. The so-
called trolls fed off the comics and vice versa with the serious
comics feeding off the trolls, even if they didn't want to admit it.
Yes, there were without a doubt some trouble-making instigators in
there, but by and large it was a very busy and enjoyable group. I'm
not saying it's bad to keep one's eyes open and be vigilant - but as
for this group, I think it's very well run and I have not yet
encountered the sort of ugly destructiveness of the "trolls" that
existed in the comedy group. I wasn't bothered by larbgal's post,
only trying to make a point. I think these sorts of disagreements
take place in all if not most newsgroups. But it is true, I see in
this group a certain civility that does not exist in some groups where
a handful of misfits go in purposely to make trouble and post into
every thread they can find. I don't see that here.

I came here originally to ask a few questions about food. But
sometimes I'll come in after not being here for a while and will see a
thread title that sounds interesting and I'll go into it. Even if it
has nothing to do with food, if I find it interesting and I think I
have something worthwhile to add, then I'll post into it. To try to
make a newsgroup one thing exclusively and everything else is
considered off topic, I think that is ultimately detrimental to the
group. The group would not be very active if all the posts and
threads were exclusively food related. Just like cooking itself,
everything is a form of fusion. You're talking about a steak you
leave to thaw out on the counter while you go out for an errand
lasting an hour, and when you come back you find your puppy lying on
the ground unable to move because during your absence he jumped up on
the counter and snatched and ate the whole damned steak. Now from
there someone might be inclined to talk about his own dog. The topic
changes. So what? That's what it's all about as far as I'm
concerned. ... Sorry for length of post. I sometimes have trouble
getting to the point. What was the point anyway? Oh yeah, got ya.