PING Squertz! A question
On Dec 10, 11:44*am, sf > wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Dec 2011 22:48:12 +1100, Krypsis >
> > You'll have to ignore larbgai. He's one of the trolls that infested
> > various newsgroups
> He's still posting? *What a drunken fool. *He must be as old as the
> hills now.
> > Best you do as I do and filter him. Rest assured he won't
> > be adding anything of value to this group.
> Ditto.
I don't have a filter and don't think I'd use it even if I did.
But I can't say that for sure. I just ignore annoying posts from
annoying people. Sometimes though, I might even find some kind of
enjoyment in being annoyed. Just as Doug openly admits to being ADHD,
I openly admit to being a bit of a masochist. I like to see how much
I can take. It makes me feel proud.