PING Squertz! A question
On Dec 10, 5:29*pm, Tommy Joe > wrote:
> But I resisted it for years. *Why? *Because
> almost everyone I saw using the cellphone, including my own brother,
> possibly the number one offender, made me think that if I got one I
> might turn to behaving like them. *I mean, this guy would never go
> anywhere without it, even on a day hike. *It would ring or vibrate in
> the midst of a conversation and his hand would shoot to the sky with
> one finger raised high as if to say "be quiet", as he answered the
> phone then ducked his head and slowly walked away to engage in phone
> conversation.
What exactly is it that makes a person suddenly prioritize answering
the damn phone as THE most important thing to do, just because it
rings? Especially when they are actively doing something else,
especially if that thing is conversing with people in real life? All
the phone ringing means is that someone not in the room with you
presently suddenly had the desire to dial your phone number. It's not
like if you do not answer it immediately that they will not ever call
you back. In fact I've noticed with these bloody cell phones people
who call, if they do not get an answer the first time will usually
call back two or three times in rapid succession!! WTF??!! Just
because YOU had the desire to talk to me, *I* should drop everything
I'm doing and answer you?
I have voice mail for a reason! Use it! I have CallerID too, and I do
NOT pick up on 1800 numbers or anything with no name.
John Kuthe...