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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default PING Squertz! A question

On Dec 11, 8:56*pm, dsi1 > wrote:

> The image burned into my memory of the owner is of a guy that's behind
> the counter with one hand under his chin dreaming about the future - or
> was he really thinking about the past? Or maybe it was of Hong Kong.
> Anyway, it was a pretty wistful image. I wonder what he's doing now...

Via your description of the guy I got a different image, but not
much different. I know a guy who started driving a cab here recently
who talks with me often about cab driving because I've been doing it
for 33 years. I know people work for money, so it would be unfair of
me to judge them on how they go about it as long as they're not
hurting anyone. But this guy is driven. He's capable of laughing
about it though. He drives a cab and gives out his cellphone number
to create regular customers. But he's creating so many of them that
he's getting too many calls and can't handle them by himself - so now
he's talking about getting more cabs and leasing them out to other
drivers. I told him he doesn't know what kind of a headache he's
looking at. He got plans and maybe that's good. But it's funny to
see him getting ahead of himself a bit. One thing I can say about the
guy is that he's able to laugh at it too. Who knows, maybe he'll
succeed. But to me he looks like a guy who just could not possibly
ever get enough no matter how much he takes in as all he does is throw
it back into an ever-enlarging business that reminds me of an ever-
enlarging headache that requires increasingly higher doses of daily
pain medicine to control it.

Funny stuff,