PING Squertz! A question
On 12/13/2011 2:03 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> I only recently began using a Garmin GPS, it's a wonderful
> invention... brings me to wherever I'm going without missing a beat so
> if I miss a turn it announces "Recalculating" and takes me the next
> most direct route... when it's time to go home I click Home, and it
> takes me home from wherever in the world I happen to be, better than
> dropping crumbs like Hansel and Gretel. A GPS is fantastic for these
> back country roads, many of which aren't signed and the only
> discernable landmark could be a cow that won't be there ten minutes
> later. A GPS is especially good here at night, there are no street
> lights.
I got one last Christmas, thought it would be good for a lark.
Turns out it's a pretty handy little device. I don't have a
smart phone, but I did take the GPS on vacation last year. It
was nice not wandering around wondering where to get gas near the
airport so we could drop off the rental car with a full tank.
That was just one of the little perks.
> I can see how one day soon there'll be no need for steering
> wheels... just program in the destination and you can sleep until an
> alarm wakes you to say you've arrived.
I think they have that, they say blind people could drive. Maybe
not actually in production yet.