go to Jack Keller's page at and
choose one of several bananawine recipes. Remember that using some of the
peel will give banana taste to the wine, while using just the peeled banana
will give a nice full body and a light taste (not banana-taste). Be carefull
not to fill your carboy more than 60 % or your wife will kill you (ceiling,
walls en floor with bananastains, because bananas contain the optimal
nitrients for yeast, and these critters will go beserk when introduced to
this juice. Fermentation within just a very few days. Will clear at
tremendous speed. Good luck and congratulations; you will be astonished by
the result.
Alfonse" > schreef in bericht
> I would like to try making some banana wine. My question is can I use
> bananas that were frozen? I usually freeze over-ripened bananas before
> rot (my mother makes banana cakes). Also, a good, tested recipe would also
> be nice :-)
> Thanks in advance,
> Al