Pasquale, the Italian Cook
On Dec 14, 8:03*pm, "Paul M. Cook" > wrote:
> "A Moose in Love" > wrote in ...
> > Does anyone like this guy? *I know he's dead now, but I never liked> him. *His stuff was always the same it seemed like. *And whata ham he
> > was. *btw, for those elsewhere, I think he filmed his show out of
> > Toronto. *Always some kind of Italian cooking. *Always the same.> Nothing inventive, or creative. *He's on right now. *I mean, I'd> rather watch him instead of some other crap on day time TV. *I always> thought him of being not genuine. *Too formal maybe when he seated his> guestsatthe end of the show.
> Sure, used to watch him all the time. *He was one of the very first shows on
> then new Food TV. *He was a real ham and he ruined almost every dish he
> cooked. *He'd have five burners going, he'd load them up and get itsimmering and then he'd not turn down the heator even flip them. *I'd watchhis desserts reduce to a thick goo thatwas hard carmel on the bottom andraw on the top. *His technique was very odd. *He used very high heatand
> didn't touch the pans except maybe to stir or flip once. *He would cut his
> ingredients into huge chunks, never a dice, slice or chop. *Mayb they cookthatway in Italy? *Still, he was better than Graham Kerr. *His singing was
> annoying as was Kerr's goofiness and heavy drinking.
> Paul
Today, I watched his show. His main dish was back ribs. He cut them
in about 4 rib slices, and saute'd them for about 20 minutes and
served. Yikes!