On Thu, 15 Dec 2011 08:43:53 -1000, dsi1 > wrote:
> On 12/14/2011 7:34 AM, A Moose in Love wrote:
> > Does anyone like this guy? I know he's dead now, but I never liked
> > him. His stuff was always the same it seemed like. And what a ham he
> > was. btw, for those elsewhere, I think he filmed his show out of
> > Toronto. Always some kind of Italian cooking. Always the same.
> > Nothing inventive, or creative. He's on right now. I mean, I'd
> > rather watch him instead of some other crap on day time TV. I always
> > thought him of being not genuine. Too formal maybe when he seated his
> > guests at the end of the show.
> I never saw him before. We must be too far south. Food show programming
> had some pretty humble beginnings, didn't it? Here's the guy I grew up with:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2fzTlSeP1s
That's a real cooking "school". Write it down: P-an.
Re wine: flamboyantly nondescript. LOL!
Ham and eggs.
A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.