The Contessa hits a new low
On 12/17/2011 12:07 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
> I caught part of her Christmas trip to London show today. It was
> interesting enough to see some of the specialty foods available in the
> city and to hear her rave about it. One of the things she went bananas
> over was a bacon sandwich. She was so impressed with it that she had to
> try making one at home, and she was nice enough to show her audience how
> to make it. Cook bacon in the oven, butter some toast, put the bacon on
> the bottom, put the top on and cut the sandwich in two.
> WTF?? It is supposed to be a cooking show, and she squanders her
> supposed expertise to a toasted bacon sandwich as if there was some
> culinary skill involved??
I've always told you guys that the Big Fat Contessa is poser. She is a
fake in all caps. Here she is going ga-ga over bacon butties and trying
to play them up as something mysterious. She handles everything this
way. Everything she does... everything about HER is overworked,
overproduced and overhyped. Everything. She gives her audience no credit
at all. But then again, when all of your friends are hired, how much
cred do you have yourself?