"John Kuthe" > wrote in message
> http://oi56.tinypic.com/21ltreu.jpg
> The AlmondCherry is on the foreground, and the MangoCashew in the
> background. I was gonna make a little more AlmondCherry, but we see
> how THAT worked out!! ;-)
> Oh, and as the CandyMaker, I got to eat the rubber scraper after
> mushing the MangoCashews into and around in the 65% Fair Trade Organic
> Dark Chocolate from Chocoley.com, as as head Oopma in the house, I
> declare it DELICIOUS!!!
Sounds like a couple of great combinations.
I usually go for blueberry and orange, but I don't think I'd like
blueberries in chocolate.
W. Pooh (AKA Winnie P.)