Oak layer or cap?
Okay, I pitched a Vino Del Vida Bergamais last night. The next to last
thing in the instructions was to add the oak powder and stir vigorously. I
did this, but the oak powder didn't sink, just collected on the top. It
looked for all the world like the cap that forms when fermentation begins.
Then I sprinkled the yeast on top (the instructions said not to stir), and
it moistened swiftly.
Now, 24-hours later, the top looks the same... either oak powder or cap, I
can't really tell without stirring. (And I don't like to break up the cap
myself... let it happen naturally if at all possible) The smell hasn't
changed much, mostly oak and a little yeasty.
Getting a little worried. How long should I wait before mixing up another
packet of yeast in warm water and mixing it into the must? Don't want to
waste a packed if I don't need to, but I also don't want the must to spoil
while waiting for fermentation to kick in.