I have a pork butt in the crock pot.
On 12/30/2011 7:58 AM, ImStillMags wrote:
> Put down a fat layer of onion on the bottom of the pot. Rubbed the
> pork with pepper and garlic and put it on the onions. Added about 2
> T of liquid smoke drizzled over the roast. I'm going to leave it on
> high for about 2 hours and then turn it down to low for another 8
> hours.
> Pulled pork coming tonight !
Roast pork with gravy and rice is a staple in Hawaii. The best roast
pork I ever had was at a lunch wagon where I used to work. I cornered
the cook several times and asked him for his method. Then I cornered him
again when it didn't turn out like his. I've tried for over a decade to
copy his dish but nowdays I just put the pork in a pot a stick it in the
oven for 5 or more hours at low temperature. Cooking it on a bed of
onions is a swell idea.