Quick Cassoulet
"Giusi" > wrote in message
> "Julie Bove" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> Because I
>> had 6 ounces more smoked sausage than what was called for, I added more
>> veggies, more seasonings and another can of beans which were pinto
>> because that was all I had that didn't have other seasonings added, like
>> cumin. I added a couple of squirts of ketchup, thinking this would add
>> to the flavor and then perhaps mistakenly added a few more squirts.
>> Everybody ate it and nobody complained. Daughter and I felt it was okay.
>> Probably not something I will make again.
> And there speaks the recipe writer's nightmare. Doesn't know what it is
> supposed to taste like because she never came close to making the recipe
> as written. Disn't like it and won't make it again.
> Cassoulet never has the ingredient you used to such an extent that the
> whole dish tasted of it. Congratulations, You turned cassoulet into
> Boston baked beans.
Bravo. This is why I have kill filed Julie. But your post, Guisi, was well
worth reading.