I used to do that, until "something" got into a couple of my wines which
didn't belong there. Luckily the wines turned out okay, after I added some
crushed campden tablets. Whether or not it was due to poor cleaning, I
guess I couldn't really say for sure, but I have not had any problems since
then. Right now, I use regular bleach (cheap kind) to clean out my glass
carboys, rinse very, very well, and then put them in a dry place. Before
use, I swish them with a campden solution. After cleaning my used wine
bottles with hot water and soap, I dry and then store upside-down. Before
using those, I first let them sit in hot water for 15 minutes, then cool
off - then swish with a campden solution before bottling.
"Greg Cook" > wrote in message
> On 4/14/04 9:07 AM, in article , "Joe"
> > wrote:
> > I would like input from people about which sanitizing solutions are best
> > bang for the buck, and which works best. I guess the bang for the buck
> > depend on my local HBS.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > --
> > Joe Romero
> > Panama City, FL
> >
> >
> I use mainly dish detergent and hot water. Then store things in a dry
> I don't think anything else is really needed for wine.
> --
> Greg Cook
> http://homepage.mac.com/gregcook/Wine
> http://homepage.mac.com/gregcook/aws
> (remove spamblocker from my email)