Egg Balls
Cheri > wrote:
: I've been trying some new recipes from a really old cookbook (new to me
: anyway) and I liked this a lot.
: 2 hard boiled eggs
: 1 raw egg
: 4 TBS of crumbs (from whatever source you like) I used a slice of flax bread
: that I crumbed in the Cuisinart.
: 1/2 tsp salt
: dash of cayenne
: a little grated nutmeg (optional)
: a few drops of lemon juice.
: Mince the hard boiled eggs very fine (I used a fine plane grater) mix well,
: add the seasoning and 2 TBS of the crumbs. Stir all together with enough of
: the beaten raw egg to bind. Form into balls about 3/4 inch in diameter. Roll
: these in the leftover raw egg, and then roll into the other 2TBS of crumbs
: to coat. Let sit uncovered in fridge for 15 or so minutes. Drop into boiling
: stock ( I used a can of chicken stock with some chopped up green beans in
: it) and cook until firm, about 5 minutes. They were tasty and filling.
I foudn a great way to finly shop egg back in the days of the hochmesse
adn wooden bowl for chopped liver. I could never get the eggs chopped
finely enough to not "show" as bits of white or yello inthe chopped liver.
I took a small strainer(not the REALLY fin coffee one) and pushed the eggs
through twice and it worked beautifully.
I still have the hochmesser, but no longer have than wooden chopping
bowl, the mainstay of theold fashioned kitchen-chopped liver, chopped
herring, gefilte fish all were laboriously chopped in those wooden bolws.