Thread: OJ not pure
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gregz gregz is offline
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Default OJ not pure

Bryan > wrote:
> On Jan 4, 9:44 pm, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>> There is always someone tinkering with our
>> foodhttp://c****
>> Its a shocker, I know, folks but buying premium orange juice is
>> carton is not any purer than buying frozen concentrated OJ, unless the
>> cartons are from Whole Foods 365 brand.
>> ABC Newss Susan Donaldson James blew the whistle on most premium
>> juices in her recent story revealing that cartons contain secret
>> ingredients  flavor packs  that are not required to be disclosed.
>> After oranges are picked, they are shipped off to be processed. They
>> are squeezed and pasteurized and, if they are not bound for frozen
>> concentrate, are kept in aseptic storage, which involves stripping the
>> juice of oxygen in a process called deaeration, and kept in
>> million-gallon tanks for up to a year, the article says.
>> Before packaging and shipping, the juice is then jazzed up with an
>> added flavor pack, gleaned from orange byproducts such as the peel and
>> pulp, to compensate for the loss of taste and aroma during the heating
>> process. Different brands use different flavor packs to give their
>> product its unique and always consistent taste. Minute Maid, for
>> example, has a distinctive candy-sweet flavor.
>> Kristen Gunter, executive director of the Florida Citrus Processors
>> Association, confirmed that juices are blended and stored and that
>> flavor packs are added to pasteurized juice before shipping to
>> stores.

> So, it seems that the frozen, mix-it-up-in-a-pitcher concentrate is
> the way to go.
> My wife and son like OJ, even when oranges are too pricey for fresh
> squeezed.
> Oranges have been cheap the past few weeks, so I make fresh almost
> every day.
> The pulp left in the basket is my portion.
> --Bryan

They might not colorize Florida oranges for juicing. Otherwise stick to ca
oranges that don't use the carcinogenic coloring.
