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Mike Muth Mike Muth is offline
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Posts: 524
Default Kaffee und Kuchen (Was: Today's lunch)

Sqwertz > wrote:

<nothing much>

In Germany, there is a tradition called "Kaffee und Kuchen." It's similar
to English Tea. Basically, one invites friends over in the mid-afternoon.
Then, over a cup or two of coffee and a slice of Kuchen (cake), pie,
pastries, or other sweet baked goods, the friends share some time together.
It's a relaxing way to break up the afternoon, which has become less common
as careers pre-empt the time. Sundays, and often Saturdays, still find
Germans gathered around the Kaffeetisch (Coffee table).

In our family, we've transplanted this tradition to central Kansas. In the
afternoons, you'll find us on our deck or in the house sharing this time
with our friends. Among our Mennonite community, a Sunday meal is often
followed by coffee and dessert - basically a form of Kaffee und Kuchen.

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