Thread: Label removal?
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Robin Somes
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Default Label removal?

In message >, Akator
> writes
>I'm just wondering if anyones got some sound advice about how to
>remove old labels from wine bottles?

I soak mine for a few minutes in very hot water - probably about 60°C,
maybe a little more, with ordinary detergent added. Wearing rubber
gloves at this point makes it so much easier. Most labels detach very
easily at that point, and just need a quick scrub with a cloth or
scouring pad to remove the last of the adhesive. Any that don't, I then
attack with an ordinary table knife, to scrape the paper off; again,
after the paper's gone, a scouring pad usually gets rid of the residue.

Occasionally the adhesive is particularly tenacious (bad marks here to
Tatachilla Grenache - gorgeous wine, lovely styled bottles, horrible
adhesive), and just smears out into a sticky mess. In which case, I put
these few aside for running the tail ends of the racking into.
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