In article >,
Mike Muth > wrote:
> Pennyaline > wrote:
> > You're not doing a cooking demonstration to a small group in the local
> > library. This is a food group, honey. We know what food mills are. We
> > know about these things.
> But can you say that about the folks who lurk but don't post or those
> who may simply stumble across the group? How about those who come here
> because they hope to learn something?
> > Precisely, but that wasn't my point. The point is you're acting like a
> > dewy-eyed newbie over one. It's akin to feeling you have to explain a
> > telephone to us.
> Posted a link. Said I provided that link for anyone who might read the
> message who isn't familiar with them. That's wrong?
IMNSHO, this isn't a group exclusively for experienced cooks. It isn't
for newbies, either, but brief explanations of simple things seem
appropriate, and links are always welcome (to me, not all others).
Having said that, I'm not a fan of food mills/immersion blenders/etc. I
gave up baby food long ago. I like my food chunky, whether it is soup
or mashed potatoes.
Dan Abel
Petaluma, California USA