Thread: Marrow Wine?
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Default Marrow Wine?

"George" > wrote in message
> "Akator" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Hi there
> >
> > Today a friend at work told me about a marrow wine/brandy he used to

> > He said all he used to do was cut the top off a good sized marrow, scoop

> out
> > the seeds, fill it with brown sugar and add a couple of raisins to act

> a
> > yeast source. He then hung the marrow in a pair of stockings and left

> to
> > ferment. Once the marrow started to drip he tipped out the liquid and
> > strained it through a fine sieve. Apparently it tasted quite sweet and

> had
> > a viscosity similar to a liquer.. Has anybody ever come across this?

> so
> > any recommendations (storage temperatures and the like) ?

> I know someone who makes this, calling it marrow rum. I have asked for
> instructions and will post them when received.

Ok received the instructions. It's a bit different from the one you
mentioned in that the fermenting is done in a demijohn

First, take your marrow and slice off the stalk end, removing a piece about
4" or so long. Carefully scoop out the inside of the marrow, as far down as
you can reach, but without removing all the flesh. Can be tricky, so the
bigger the marrow the better. Stuff the cavity with sugar - brown or white,
Demerara, a mixture, whatever you have. Place the top back on and keep in
place with tape. Place the marrow in a large jug or high-sided bowl and
cover with a tea towel. Leave undisturbed for about a week, then remove
tape, top up with sugar if required, and re-tape it closed. Leave it
undisturbed again until the marrow starts to collapse; the sugar will
dissolve the insides of the marrow and the whole insides and sugar will turn
into a liquid. When it looks done (quite subjective, but you will know),
place the liquid into a bowl or jam pan or similar - it may need straining
if there are wee bits of marrow in it.

Warm the liquid to blood heat and then add pre-activated yeast.

Leave covered in a warm place for 24 hours to ensure it's working, then
transfer to a demijohn and ferment out. Will need racking at least once, and
keeping for at least 2 years before drinking.

You'd be hard pressed to get one gallon from one marrow so you could be like
me and have four or five of them lined up on the window! They look quite
attractive until they start to collapse!

It's like rum in the same way that carrot whisky is like whisky, but worth

Main text:

Hope that helps.