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Default Noobie over the edge?


10gal. of 3 different wines going and can't wait for the strawberrys
and rhubarb to come along. I look in vacant fields and everyones yard
for lilac. I've found a ton of lilac but it's not available, being
cared for and loved by the owners.

Last weekend my mother-in-law gave us some prunes, 6lbs. Of course we
can't eat 6lbs. of prunes (yikes!) so 4lbs. are bubbling away. So far
it tastes like Dr. Pepper. Hmmmmm Is this madness going to end or
will the obssession continue?

I have read references in the archives to Lum's recipe for
strawberry/banana but can't seem to locate it. Any pointers would be

Steve Vegos