"spamtrap1888" > wrote in message
> On Jan 16, 8:59 am, "jmcquown" > wrote:
>> It's too bad Wayne and Michael (Dog3) aren't posting here anymore.
>> They'd
>> recognize some of these old Memphis restaurants.
>> The Knickerbocker...
>> 99th Bomb Group by the airport
> The name sounded familiar, and it turns out it was part of the "94th
> Aero Squadron" group, known more formally as Specialty Restaurants.
> There are a couple of dozen left in the chain, though only a few are
> aviation-themed. www.specialtyrestaurants.com
> The claim is that an outbreak of salmonella killed the 99th Bomb
> Group's business. After trying to make a go of it for several years,
> the restaurant operator simply closed up shop, and eventually the
> airport sued:
> http://caselaw.findlaw.com/tn-court-...s/1300412.html
Actually, we're both wrong. It was the 91st Bomb Group. They actually had
good food. They had an arrangement with the airport to let them listen in
on the air traffic controller's chatter with the planes via headphones at
the tables. It's where I first tasted beer-cheese soup. I'll bet if I
googled I could find the recipe.