How to toast long bread?
On Jan 17, 4:34*pm, "Julie Bove" > wrote:
> "Dan Abel" > wrote in message
> ...
> > In article >,
> > "Julie Bove" > wrote:
> >> Maybe 2 or 3 times a year I buy rye or sourdough bread that comes in a
> >> loaf
> >> that has slices of bread that are longer and narrower than your average
> >> bread slice. *To toast them I start with them one way in the toaster,
> >> leave
> >> for a short amount of time and then flip it and do the other way.
> >> Invariably one end isn't quite toasted enough and it is too toasted in
> >> the
> >> middle.
> >> I know I could do the toast in the oven but I hate to heat the oven up
> >> for 2
> >> pieces of toast. *I don't have a toaster oven or the room to store one.
> >> How do you do yours?
> > I've never tried to toast one of those long pieces of bread. *I would
> > either toast them in a frying pan, or more likely, cut them in half and
> > just toast one piece of bread at a time, one half on each side.
> I must be stupid. *Never thought once to cut them.
It is nice to have them long and toasted.