grapevine nurseries
Thank you for the info. How does your Cabernet turn out? This will make my
life much easier. I just wish the farm bureau was a little more helpful
when I tried to get these questions answered 6 months ago so I would not
have done all that research into rootstocks. It seems that there are as
many wrong answers as right answers when you are dealing with government
agencies. I have been told that Cabernet does not produce quality grapes
here due to the heat? True/false? Any problems with your Merlot quality?
Know of anyone growing Tempranillo in the area? Thanks again for your help.
Phylloxera is the major reason for using grafted vines. But, there is no
is Phylloxera in San Diego County, and I know of many vineyards that are
planted on their own roots. I planted Chardonnay, Merlot and Cabernet
Sauvignon vines in Ramona about fourteen years ago. These vines are on
their own roots and they are going well.
Del Mar, California, USA