Thread: Chopsticks
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Chopsticks

Serene Vannoy wrote:
> I use them well, and usually only in two circumstances: If we're eating
> Chinese/Japanese food (not Thai), or if we're out of clean forks.

"if we're out of clean forks?" long does it take to wash a couple of forks? ;-D

> My first boyfriend was from Vietnam, and he taught me how to use them.
> He said they used to play a game when he was little to see who could
> pick up the smallest grain of rice.

Sounds like he was easily amused.

Here at the beach a few years ago, one tourist shop offered:

"Your name printed on a grain of rice - $5.00"
LOL! Very weird yet different and unique.

They used a laser something and they actually printed your name on a single
grain of rice. You could only see it by using maybe a magnifying glass, or
more likely a microscope?

Anyway, that was strange enough that I was tempted to buy a few for future
gifts to family or friends.
