Thread: Marrow Wine?
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Dr. Richard E. Hawkins
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Default Marrow Wine?

In article > ,
Ray > wrote:
>Sounds suspicious to me. Especially the part about using raisins as a yeast
>source. Raisins are heavily sulphited and I don't think you would find much
>in the way of viable yeast on them. I would suspect also that it would come
>out something like sweet jungle juice.

Raisins are a common yeast source in older beer & wine recipes. The
correct yeast for wine is naturally found on the skins.

Whether modern packing methods would kill that is something I'd know
nothing about, however.

btw, Prauger (sp?) winery in Napa claims to be the only commercial
operation in the U.S. to use only the natural yeast on the wine (the
rest may use that yeast, but culture it to speed the start). The
consequence is hitting the market a year later, but the wine is

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