REC: Prawn Toast.
I'm back on the laptop wrote:
> "Jean B." > wrote in news:9o6nitFhsdU22
>> I'm back on the laptop wrote:
>>> "Jean B." > wrote in news:9o6l3pFhsdU7
>>> The SO enjoyed her glass(es) of red with her steak, I just waited
> for
>>> an hour and a bit and had another G&T :-)
>> Are you ever going to be able to eat steak without pain and
>> discomfort? I hope so, and it does seem like you have been making
>> progress.
> I have to have another operation to correct some 'anomolies' caused by
> the first one.
> When my small bowel was sewn back onto what's left of my stomach sac,
> the join healed ok, with no leaks etc, but apparently healed at
> different rates, and therefore caused the normal 'round' tube to become
> distorted and twisted. Hence, anything with any sort of solidity to it
> becomes lodged and stuck till it manages to work its way through. Which
> isn't fun sitting there feeling it happening and waiting, waiting,
> waiting...!!
> So I have to go back, be "gutted like a pig" so that the gastric surgeon
> can sew some flaps (front, sides, and back) into the join to make it
> open up and allow food through without blockages. Unfortunately, it's
> going to mean at least 1 - 2 months off with no driving, lifting etc....
> which I can't afford to do at the moment as we are short of people, and
> there's no-one trained to take over my position for that length of time.
> So I'm madly training people at the moment to take over my position with
> the hopes that I can get the op done in about 6 months time, when things
> get reasonably quiet, so the new 'boss' won't be stressed too much by a
> high workload :-)
> So, for the moment, I just live with it, cope as best as possible, and
> keep on enjoying my 'second chance' :-)
Oh dear. That's not something to look forward to at all. But
yes, you do have another useful perspective.
Jean B.